What is subject removal and why do you need subject clauses anyways?

Everything to know about Subject Clauses and specifically the Subject to Financing Clause. As a home buyer, you want to make sure that you are protected in case you cannot get financing. Luckily, in contract law, we have clauses that can make adjustments and conditions to the contract - including your purchase.

When buying a home, you want to make sure that you are protected. In a purchase contract a Subject Clause is a condition that the buyer or seller creates. Subject clauses add a barrier that protects you, the buyer, while you perform due diligence on the property.

Why do buyers need subject clauses?

Also referred to as an “escape clause”, your subject clauses allow you to draw up a purchase contract that you can escape if certain conditions aren’t met. Some scenarios that we’ve seen come up where subject clauses have saved our clients include:

  • Leaky condos and buildings utilizing post-tension cables
  • Low appraised property values
  • Upcoming special levies in the strata corporation
  • Issues during due diligence
  • Changes of employment during the mortgage process
  • Borrowers getting a new car lease

How does subject removal work?

At the end of the subject removal period, if the buyer is satisfied that they will be able to close on the purchase then they can remove their subject clauses. This is done by signing an addendum to the contract and issuing a deposit cheque.

How long is subject removal?

Typically, the subject removal period is 7 days for a new home. This can be shortened if necessary during hot markets or when you, the buyer, needs to be competitive.

For rental properties, especially when held in a holding corporation, this number should be increased as the mortgage application usually goes to upper management for approval.

Common subject clauses used in real estate

Subject to Financing

Subject to Sale

Subject to Inspection

Subject to Appraisal

Subject to Title Search

Subject to Receiving Strata Documents

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